Benefits of Trekking & Hiking Mental benefits – Stress can disrupt your everyday life, causing health problems and depression. Trekking is a great way to reduce the stress in your life, because of the release of endorphins, which are known to make us happy! Other health benefits of Hiking & Trekking : HEALTHY HEART – While trekking, a person has to climb up and down which makes the heart pump blood with vigour, so in a way, trekking is a great way to provide much needed exercise for the heart LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE – Logging cardio in the form of hiking can lower blood pressure by four to 10 points, and reduce the danger of heart disease, diabetes and strokes for those at high-risk. CONTROLS CHOLESTEROL & SUGAR LEVELS – Trekking on a regular basis decreases cholesterol also. Both the ups and downs have benefits when it comes to lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol.Hiking uphill lowers triglyceride whereas hiking downhill is two times more effective at removing blood sugars and improving glucose tolerance. IMPROVED LUNG CAPACITY – Most trekking tours are organized away from human population which in an area with extensive vegetation that would keep the air cleaner. Taking deep breaths while hiking / trekking increases the tidal volume, ie lung capacity and also clears toxins from the body making you feel rejuvenated. STRONGER BONES – Trekking requires optimum effort from human body, as it requires stretching, jumping, climbing and dodging at several intervals. Such small burst of exercises at regular intervals during trekking would help make bones stronger. IMPROVED MUSCLE TONE – The energy and strain that a trekker requires, would undoubtedly lead to exercising and stretching of each and every muscle in the body, thus making the body flexible and muscles strong. Body gets into a better shape FLEXIBLE JOINTS – The stretching and exertion, especially in climbing, mobilizes all the
Benefits of Trekking & Hiking
Mental benefits – Stress can disrupt your everyday life, causing health problems and depression. Trekking is a great way to reduce the stress in your life, because of the release of endorphins, which are known to make us happy!
Other health benefits of Hiking & Trekking :
HEALTHY HEART – While trekking, a person has to climb up and down which makes the heart pump blood with vigour, so in a way, trekking is a great way to provide much needed exercise for the heart
LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE – Logging cardio in the form of hiking can lower blood pressure by four to 10 points, and reduce the danger of heart disease, diabetes and strokes for those at high-risk.
CONTROLS CHOLESTEROL & SUGAR LEVELS – Trekking on a regular basis decreases cholesterol also. Both the ups and downs have benefits when it comes to lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol.Hiking uphill lowers triglyceride whereas hiking downhill is two
times more effective at removing blood sugars and improving glucose tolerance.
IMPROVED LUNG CAPACITY – Most trekking tours are organized away from human population which in an area with extensive vegetation that would keep the air cleaner. Taking deep breaths while hiking / trekking increases the tidal volume, ie lung capacity and also clears toxins from the body making you feel rejuvenated.
STRONGER BONES – Trekking requires optimum effort from human body, as it requires stretching, jumping, climbing and dodging at several intervals. Such small burst of exercises at regular intervals during trekking would help make bones stronger.
IMPROVED MUSCLE TONE – The energy and strain that a trekker requires, would undoubtedly lead to exercising and stretching of each and every muscle in the body, thus making the body flexible and muscles strong. Body gets into a better shape

FLEXIBLE JOINTS – The stretching and exertion, especially in climbing, mobilizes all the joints. This improves the secretion and circulation of the joint fluids improving joint flexibility and strength. Such healthy joints develop arthritis much later than others. Also, hiking / trekking in nature puts less strain on your joints than walking on concrete or asphalt.
PREVENT BACKACHE – The spine is also comprises of many joints, all of which become more flexible and more stable because the supporting muscles become stronger while hiking. Leads to a better posture.
INCREASES IMMUNITY – Already, there is a growing body of scientific research that shows that time spent in the great outdoors is physically and mentally beneficial.Trekking and associated activities also improve immunity by stimulating the lymphatic system.
PREVENTS &CURES CANCER – Exposure to forests boosts our immune system. While we breathe in the fresh air, we breathe in phytoncides, airborne chemicals that plants give off to protect themselves from insects. Phytoncides have antibacterial and anti fungal qualities which help plants fight disease. When people breathe in these chemicals, our bodies respond by increasing the number and activity of a type of white blood cell called natural killer cells or NK. These cells kill tumour- and virus-infected cells in our bodies
MENTAL FOCUS& CONCENTRATION – Trekking requires unhindered concentration, and to do that, a person has to clear his thoughts and prepare his mind to face topographical challenges.
WEIGHT LOSS – Climbing, dodging around boulders and lights runs and sprints is common while on trekking tours. These physical activities eventually help shed unwanted weight. In fact, trekking at a moderate level of intensity on a regular basis can lead to significant weight loss. Just an hour of trekking can burn upto 500 calories
BETTER THAN A TREADMILL – Unlike the treadmill, trekking offers new scenery, different terrain, and requires almost no equipment or training. Besides you inhale crisp fresh oxygen instead of the smelly and stuffy gym air and listen to the soothing sounds of chirping birds and flowing streams rather than the unfamiliar loud noise in a gym
MENTAL RELAXATION – Trekking is a great way to reduce the stress in your life, because of the release of endorphins, which are known to make us happy! Taking in the fresh air and nature around you while trekking is a great way to help improve your mental health, and it is believed to also improve memory and functionality of the brain. Breathing in the fresh air, as well as seeing flowers, butterflies, birds and animals can also give you a better appreciation of the world and a sense of calmness and joy.
CURES DEPRESSION – A study commissioned by Mind, a leading British mental health charity, suggests hiking contributes to improved mental and emotional health. Focusing on people affected by depression, researchers from the University of Essex compared the benefits of hiking a trail through the woods and around a lake in a nature park to walking in an indoor shopping centre.
BETTER QUALITY OF SLEEP – Regular physical activity has been shown to improve sleep by over 50 percent in those who engage in a regular schedule of exercise. Thus, hiking can be an important part of getting a better night’s sleep. If you choose decide to spend an entire night in nature, or a few nights, you are helping your sleep cycle tremendously.Most of us in the modern world have gotten so used to the artificial lights, noises and distractions of modern technology that our bodies have forgotten how and when it’s time to sleep. A night under the stars is a good way to reset that.
Other Life Benefits
WARNING !!! Hiking / trekking can seriously improve your health.
* As suggested by Dr. Abhinav Gupta